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The Dragon Rising |
Stonehenge - 1207 | Complaints about the grip of control
held by the covenant of Blackthorn and numerous diabolic scandals in the north
of the Tribunal have led to an emergency meeting being called by Diogones Ex
Guernicus, Monitor External. |
Normandy - 1211 | The Tytalus Domus Magna Fudarus and the great Tremere covenant of Albision are in a state of near-open war due to a clash of personalities between Archmage Morian, the Tytalus Primus second, and Archmage Cralian, the Tremere leader of Albision. Attempts to mediate this at a neutral covenant led to the murder of one of the Tytalus delegation, in response to which Morian levelled a wing of Albision, causing heavy mundane casualties. Diogenes again attends to try and mediate but his arrival at Tribunal is inexplicably delayed. Septicemius, a senior Bonisagus Archmage, also attends to try and assist. |
Rome - 1214 | This tribunal begins explosively with news of three deaths; Buliste, the Tytalus Primus, has passed on in Normandy and Oxioun has assumed Primacy, moving the seat of power for the House to Provence. Arliandus, the Quaesitor Primus, has been assassinated, and his will specifies an open election to determine his successor as Primus Tytalus. Septicemius again appears to adjudicate, but is notified during the Tribunal of the death of Avarret, the Primus Bonisagus and First Mage of the Order. |
Provence - 1221 | Held at the massive covenant of
Doissetep, arguably the most politically powerful covenant in the Order, this
proves to be a crux point for the Order of Hermes. Increasing rumours of
vampiric corruption in House Tremere are met with the return of Cassius
Malevolus, apparently out to nail Caius Lothario, who is under the protection
of the senior Doissetep magi after betraying House Tremere and admitting he was
vampiric. |
Loch Leglean - 1221 | Held in the Highlands of Scotland
amidst what seems to be an unnatural winter the tribunal awaits the arrival of
Lord Borellus and his party. Other information is hard to come by as there is
only one Redcap resident. Loch Leglean is the Tribunal that saw the founding of
house Ex Miscellanea in 816 AD. |
Grand Tribunal - 1228 | The last of the Dragon Rising held in
high summer at the great covenant of Durenmar, Domus Magna Bonisagus. All the previous tribunals business needs to be ratified here. The main issues being raised concern Vampirism, the Diedne, and the subject of Mind Control. |
The Lion and the Serpent |
Levantine - 1187 | The Emergency Tribunal called by Ligeia the Raptor, Monitrix Extern to put an end to the fighting between Crusaders and Crescentine Covenants and finally elect a Praeco. |
Thebes - 1191 | |
Transylvania - | |
Rhine - | |
Eastern Regional Extraordinary Tribunal - 1204 |
Web site Maintained by James Tucker |